Whistleblowing Channel


Logista's Internal Information System provides for the existence of a Whistleblowing Channel, as a suitable and essential instrument for preventing and enforcing compliance with the guidelines, principles and ethical values, as well as the internal laws and regulations assumed and applicable by and to Logista, in order to make it easier for its members, and third parties authorised to do so, to submit any communication or information about any illegal, irregular or unethical action on the part of Logista.


What behaviour can be reported?

Reports submitted through the reporting channel must concern conduct, facts, actions or omissions that involve an irregularity, non-compliance or behaviour contrary to ethical principles and values, the law and the Code of Conduct and other internal regulations applicable to Logista, defined as ‘Bad Practices’. Specifically, reports can be made on Bad Practices that constitute or may constitute infringements of European Union law, under the terms established in the applicable legislation, as well as serious or very serious administrative offences or criminal acts.


No labour issues or commercial or contractual claims will be dealt with through the Whistleblowing Channel, which should be resolved through the channels legally established for this purpose.


It is also not the appropriate way to contact Logista's Data Protection Officer, since the following channel should be used for this purpose: info.lopd@logista.com.


Who has the right to lodge a complaint?

The Whistleblowing Channel is available to all members of Logista (directors, officers and legal representatives, managers, employees or persons subject to Logista's authority), as well as legitimate third parties (shareholders, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, trainees, persons working in training processes, job applicants, former employees, etc.).


How do I file a complaint?

Complaints are made by contacting Logista's Compliance Committee, preferably via the platform available at the following link: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/secure/logista.


Complaints are made by communicating them to Logista's Compliance Committee by ordinary post, writing to the address ‘Logista - Att. Compliance Committee - c/ Trigo, 39, 28914 Leganés (28914 Madrid) Spain’, or by e-mail to canaldedenuncias@logista.com.


How is a complaint filed?

Complaints are made by communicating them to Logista's Compliance Committee, preferably via the platform available at the following link: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/secure/logista .

Complaints are made by communicating them to Logista's Compliance Committee by post to the address ‘Logista - Att. Compliance Committee - c/ Trigo, 39, 28914 Leganés (28914 Madrid) Spain’, or by e-mail to canaldedenuncias@logista.com.


Is it possible to submit an anonymous complaint?

In Portugal, complaints can be made anonymously. In other countries, complaints can also be made anonymously, unless the applicable national legislation requires the complainant to identify themselves.


Essential principles and guarantees of the investigation procedure.

Logista guarantees the application of the following principles and guarantees throughout the Badpractice Investigation Procedure:


• CONFIDENTIALITY: Outside the bodies competent to receive and investigate a complaint of Badpractice, the confidentiality of the complainant's identity is guaranteed at all stages of the Investigation Procedure, as well as that such identity will not be revealed to third parties or to the persons under investigation.

Exceptionally, and in application of the applicable regulations, the identity of the complainant may be revealed by law to the judicial authority, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the competent administrative authority in the context of a criminal, disciplinary or sanctioning investigation.

Likewise, both the complainant and any person participating in the Investigation Procedure, as a witness or in any other capacity, must maintain confidentiality regarding the complaint lodged, as well as any information to which they may have access as a result of said complaint, enquiry or participation in the Procedure.


•  INDEMNIFICATION: Logista undertakes not to dismiss, sanction, retaliate against or discriminate in any other way against the whistleblower of the Badpractice, and to provide the whistleblower, the members assisting the whistleblower in the Investigation Procedure, the natural persons related to the whistleblower, such as their work colleagues or family members, and the legal persons in which the whistleblower works, maintains an employment or commercial relationship, or may have a significant participation, with the protection measures established in current legislation.

This guarantee of compensation will also apply to the workers' legal representatives, in the exercise of their functions of counselling and supporting the whistleblower.

It is a serious or very serious labour offence to dissuade, persecute, harass, retaliate against or discriminate against a member or legitimate third party who intends to report or has reported a Badpractice.

By way of exception, this guarantee does not apply to a report of ‘Badpractice’ raised by the complainant knowing it to be false and in bad faith.


• GUARANTEE OF ACTIONS: Logista undertakes to carry out a preliminary assessment, taking into account the communication of the complaint and the circumstantial elements or evidence provided to it, of the realisation or veracity of the conduct, facts, actions, omissions or infractions contained in any complaint and, where appropriate, to provide confidential information about it in advance, unless the falsity or malicious nature of the complaint is evident, or when the complaint channel is not suitable for resolving them.


• FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE: Logista guarantees respect for fundamental rights, the presumption of innocence, the right to defence and the right to honour of the persons investigated or affected.


• GUARANTEE OF THE PROPORTIONALITY, ACCURACY AND SECURITY OF INFORMATION AND PERSONAL DATA: The personal data collected and processed within the scope of the Internal Information System will be proportional and limited to the data objectively necessary for its application, and may not be used for other purposes. In any case, the processing of said personal data will be carried out in strict compliance with the obligations imposed by the legislation in force.