Social Action

Logista is actively involved in numerous social initiatives, mainly at the local level, and encourages the participation of all those associated with the Group (employees, franchises, branches, etc.) and collaborates in projects proposed by them as part of their social responsibility.



Humanitarian, welfare and integrating initiatives

Logista collaborates with various foundations and associations to help and hire people with disabilities and those at risk of exclusion, with the aim of helping them enter the job market. In 2023, 195 Logista employees had disabilities, 11.6% more than in the previous year. At Logista, we are firmly committed to the socio-labour integration of vulnerable groups, working side by side with various foundations and associations in different countries.


We promote long-term job creation and diversity and inclusion, as well as encouraging internal volunteering in social actions so that our employees have the opportunity to actively contribute to promoting sustainability.

Contributions to foundations and non-profit organisations in 2023 were mainly used for humanitarian, welfare and integration actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable groups. These contributions are mostly made through the donation of convenience products and transport services for the collection, transport and delivery of food, hygiene products, etc., to parishes and soup kitchens, among others.


Logista's Social Responsibility Policy is aligned with the United Nations Global Compact Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. This explicit commitment of the Company is integrated into its activity, extending to all its employees, customers and suppliers with whom it works in order to respect and guarantee compliance with Human Rights.